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Jakarta-Tanjung Lesung (Banten) Part 1; another great weekend escape!

It’s not much place you really want to be considering the traffic in Jakarta could be pain in the @ss. As harsh as it sound, you will agree when you trapped 2 hours in car just to get through 5 kms distance.

One of Tanjung Lesung Beach
One of my favorite places is beach. If I had option between jungle and beach I would choose beach! Ive spent 6 years with nature and grew up with buffalos on my backyard… not that I’m not appreciate nature but… seen that :) done it for years! i want beach if  i can!

The plan to Tanjung Lesung not that complicated. I was looking forward for another Anyer-Carita kind of weekend then I found out something about Tanjung Lesung. It’s quite far from Carita-Anyer, around 40kms. I was thinking ITS TOO MUCH for weekend trip!

The road view to Tanjung Lesung

To Anyer-Carita itself it took around 4-5 hours due to the “classic” reason for traffic jam. And in total 10 hours more JUST for weekend in beach is something not appealing. But then, I found another alternative driving road from Jakarta to Tanjung Lesung that only 3-4 hours max, the plan seemed MAKE SENSE for me. All you need is to google your way here. Not pretty much on INTERNET---means its more quiet place.. and i LOVE quiet places... because it will be more clean!

A warning! Tanjung Lesung is known for its EXPENSIVE resorts and beach with corals and rocks… its not white sandy beach you saw on internet. Its true… but I just want to see it at least ONCE!

Tanjung Lesung Resort Gate

There are several accommodations on the resort area (they are one group). All of the accommodation is on the same huge area… and it still half developed with most of road still dirt with tiny pebbles… better not use your expensive low sedan to get here people!
The biggest and luxurious one is Calica Resort. This resort had villas with 2-3 bedrooms per villa. On weekend the 2 bedroom villas rent price start from US$376 (they had their own swimming pool/private pools). This prob best choice for families.

Other options would be Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotels. The cottages start from US$236 for 2 persons. The hotel is next to Calica.

When we walk by the beach we saw one other “cheaper” options for this destination… with a tent! Its called Green Coral---. Its behind the beach house.

Beach Club sands and activities

Beach house is where you could do the water sport activities. The pricing is much cheaper than Bali water sport for sure. But… uhhh I don’t feel like doing jet ski on low water and corals waiting below… its not fun at all… I will upload the pricing picture.

With confirmed booking on one of the hotel on the resort (the cheapest I could find!)—the hotel name is Blue Fish at Bunar B&B complex in Tanjung Lesung Resort. The rate for me is not “suitable” for backpacking style. Its cost around 976k per night. It’s a resort anyway…. And yet this is the cheapest among other hotels in same area. And its still in the same area as other hotel (Tanjung Lesung Resort).

There are probably more cheapest accommodation. I saw more than 3 “homestay” on the way to Tanjung Lesung Resort. But this homestay not on internet. I cant find them. One that surely I would recommend would be one where we eat dinner (Kampoeng Nelayan) its less than 2kms from Tanjung Lesung Resort on the right side from Jakarta direction.

I found some homestay on website, but cant really remember if I saw any of these during my trip… but it’s a good options for budget/backpackers too beside the camping on beach option.

  1. Home stay Faris
  2. Homestay Melati
  3. Adam homestay
  4. Oce Homestay Cp: Pak Oce 0812 9595 988 (one room is 200k)

To get to Tanjung Lesung Resort you could drive from Jakarta with two options:
  • Jakarta-Merak toll road, exit from Serang Timur via Pandeglang-Labuan and straight to Tanjung Lesung
  • Jakarta-Merak toll road, exit from Cilegon Timur and going to Anyer-Carita road plus another 40kms to Tanjung Lesung

I definitely won’t regret my option to choose number one, exit from Serang timur. It took me only 4 freakin hours!! Very relax speed no rush, the roads quite smooth and this is the first time I ever went through this toll road and goes to Tanjung Lesung.

I won’t surprise if anyone could do 3 hours! It’s not that jammed, the scenery is good with mountains, and the road smooth for a small region. It’s small and on hilly areas quite tricky as the street small. And yes, unlike the Anyer-Carita street… we didn’t see any beach until we pass Pandeglang and enter Labuan.

One of sign on Calica Resort

But this option is very good because street in Anyer-Carita is full with beach and it’s so jammed that possible you will end up spending over 5-6 hours to get to Tanjung Lesung by this option!

I would definitely will recommend this beach for those who like quiet beach, good for families... and its clean! 

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