Pindahan Tulisan Bahasa Indonesia

Dear pembaca, untuk kedepannya tulisan dalam bahasa Indonesia di blog ini bakalan aku pindahkan ke blog aku yang lain "Nona Backpacker" biar gak bingung bacanya.. thanks!

Citlink Promotion! **Rp 55.000,-** get yourself some coffee people!!

Long time not posting some promotion from airlines, now i will post you some domestic airlines with promotion fare. Its from CITILINK!

One of my fave airline these day!

This airline from last year already become my fave domestic airlines--especially since Airasia mostly these days ONLY boasting for cheap fare--BUT-- no its just not cheap, almost the same like other airlines fare and sometimes even more expensive than local flights so NO, i wont bother to click Airasia to check **full of disappointment**

So check your remaining vacation days and the 2014 public holidays calendar, and book the flights!! make your holidays HAPPENED!! **btw its quite late night to book the flight, but if you really want to make it happened in CHEAP way.. there always be sacrifices you should made--go get that coffee.. and stay awake from 22.00 to 3 am!!**

Happy booking!!

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