(if its real Vin Diesel i would beg him to arrest me---ohhh yeah *drools*) keep on dreaming! hahah!
May 24, 2011
I had no idea that my journey from Belgium back to Paris would be so tense.
Let me start from beginning.
It was before 8am i was rushing from Van Gogh Youth Hostel to the Brussel Midi/Bruxelles Midi train station. I wasn't able to fine the
Eurolines bus office at the train station the day before. Because i was tired the day before and i was thinking it should be there at the train station. Its so huge!
Huge Brussel Midi |
I did very huge mistake. I was mistaken between
EUROTRANS. Its huge mistake that i didn't see it very good hahaha.. Eurolines is the bus company and Eurotrans is the train at the train station!! i thought its just like in Indonesia should be the same company etc. But its not.
Eurolines Bus in Brussel |
So when i was arriving at the train station i went there, and i ask the security that standing there with very little english he said he doesn't know where Eurolines bus office is! I should check in before 10 am and i made huge mistake.
I was still walking from one end to another at the train station, try not to be panicking to find someone who able to speak english! the main language in here either French or Dutch and both i am not mastered!
And some help comes from those who you never expected..always like that. I went out to one of the train station ends.. because its like a long straight line from one to another. I was at the door, with my purple huge suitcase when i almost step on wet floor that a young guy just moping the floor. I said sorry right away. But he said in fluent English, no problem, and he smile. I was walk away and then think, he speak English! i went back and poke him and said sorry again for bothering! i ask if he know where Euroline bus office is. And he knew!!! he said its outside the train station! hahah thats why i can not find it! he even went to the street and point the directions and distance! omg! On the ticket that i had it only said Bruxelles Midi which is the train station!
Hidden Eurolines Office next to Bruxelles Midi |
I was dragging my suitcase, i had to cross the cobble street.... its the
Avenue Fonsny, from across the street i could see there is a bus station next to the train station. But the Euroline bus office not there. Because i were there yesterday afternoon. I had my ticket booked before i even leave Indonesia (i use online booking). The bus office is right across the street where the bus station is like that guy said. But its just not that easy to spot too!
After walking about 100 meters passing a hotel (hotel Continental) i finally spot the white door with Eurolines name on it. Its very tiny like 4X5 meters big after a convenience shop. The worse part when i went in the two old guys on the counter not really speak good english. There are two people there beside me a couple from Spain. The husband good enough to help me to translate from english to france, merci beacoup! :) i bet i hurt his ear much with my Eng-French hahah..
Sitting there on the back of the office i was thinking its not that very different than any Indonesian bus office. Small.. at the back of the office there stack of chairs and tables... don't know what was that for.
The guy shout in French i had no idea what he said but seeing those couple grabbing their luggage i went with them and ask if the bus coming, he said yes and we had to hurry... where?? lol i was half running following them, their suitcase bigger than mine! the two old guy not even following us they just stay at the counter office.
We walk back to the road where i came before and cross the street. Right between the train station and the bus office in the middle of road there are short of small pavement. Stood there the winds are chilling! the guy ask me where i came from i said Indonesia, he had no idea where Indonesia is! hahah but i told them its where you got most of 33C degrees the whole year. He said some part of Spain just like that... the wife not speaking english but i know she try to understand our conversation. The husband translate it for her most of time. When he ask if i study here or going with someone else i said all by my self, he explain that to her and she took my hand haha and said something he translate that his wife said i am very brave! haha.. Its very nice of her :)
Not long after 15 minutes our bus coming. I just dont want to made mistake i ask the driver before jump in, is this goes to Paris? he said "oui mademoiselle" ok thats it.. haha there are 4 more people come with us. There is no bus seat numbers on my ticket. I had to show my ticket to the bus driver, he took one of the ticket for him (print it double!! dont forget!)
When i got in... i see the seat mostly full on the back... i had a choice to sit near seemly a father and daughter, a big woman with big curly hair (and pierced lips) and ohh very sour face old woman, and old man who smile too much to me.
I walk in and ok what ever the big lady smile to me she might be my age... so.. i went there and put my backpack on the top compartment and said "excuse moi" she smile, ok thats good sign... i put my ipod on and just try to enjoy the journey.
Soon i start to realize the next person to me not a woman!!! lol when i put my hand next to "her" omg my fingers and palms are much smaller.. i was lol really gasping!! omg! hahah such pretty guy! he look at me and smile again. I end up had small conversation with him. His name is Thierry. Very nice and friendly guy. He was several times look at me before we talk... hahah i was afraid *about psyco girl duuhh* but then he ask me... what are you listening to? so i share my ipod with him.
I introduce him to Anggun, and some of indonesian song, his face was frowning. We still had some language barrier sometimes as he speak in French and i try to understand it. He speak little bit english. He said he never travel to Asia, i said he should try. He check up my play list and laugh when he know a song there, mostly i put 1980-1990 song there especially rock band. I also had huge range of music on my ipod from classical music such as Mozart and Bethoven, some pop Nsync, Michael Buble, Linkin Park etc. He love music as much as i do! Thierry is an artist and he also on his way to Paris :)
My beau new friend Thierry! |
It was a very nice journey with a friend to talk with. Event hough most of time he will speak in French and me in English. Its quite funny tho... its a good example about ... hey
you shouldn't worry about languages!! haha better if you know French, English, and Arabic etc.. but most of time the willingness to communicate.. at least you try! And it worked for me :)
You can not wait until you brush up your languages abilities to travel around :D would take you ages to travel then!
About one hour the bus stop and i ask him what happened? because we're not even close to Paris, he said just stop at resting area. Its near gas station. So i went down and go to toilet like most of passenger. Thierry ask me if i want to eat anything, i said i am full. He went to eat some frites. I share the story about the best frites in Brussel. All the debate about the best frites comes :D
We had to go back to the bus again when the driver turn on the engines. Unlike Indonesian bus, he didnt count the passenger anymore hahaha in Indonesia bus driver re count the passenger every time he stop incase if he missed anyone! but its not the case there hehehe... i cant imagine what happened if i dont know about this and went to toilet and the bus left me hahah...
I was almost fall a sleep while Thierry still busy with my ipod, when i see the blue and red lights on the bus window and sirens. I was thought... woooww.. a real highway chase!
Soon then i realize they were surrounding the bus from both side and there were loud megaphone sound saying things in French and oh my the bus still running! i was like whats going on? i was panicking a bit, Thierry?? same he say its ok but i know he also worry!
I was thinking something bad like bus hijacking or terrorist on the bus as they were so many police involve!! and the worse the back passenger were starting to yell and very noisy in French language... most of the passenger on the back part of the bus are dark skin-African people. And now i am more worried.
The only thing i was thinking that time--why on earth this driver still driving fast??!!
Then i found out he was trying to find a wide open space, a gas station with few trailers parking there and omg over 6 police cars and the whole troops. Babies were crying other passenger were seemed very worried, and me? i was saying "here we go, i will be on Indonesia news this time"---news flash "indonesian girl among those arrested with the terrorist gank with over 1kgs dope and trafficking guy and illegal immigrants" hahah... *had very active imagination when i am in panic mode*
one of the scene came on my head!! *too much CSI* |
Suddenly Thierry said, prepare your passport, its probably just a boarder check. I was like hahah ok grabbing my passport tight! When the bus finally stop. The police rush in, and talk in ..again French language and then German language ohh shuutt.. hahah i dont understand both!!. They said we stay in our seat, and prepare documents-Thierry said. They told the bus driver to open the luggage compartment.
They check our passport one by one and, one of the guy ask me where i came from and why i want to go to Paris etc. After that, they ask all guys come out first one by one. Thierry look at me.. and im in despair omg no translation anymore hahahah.... He said just walk outside when they told you to, and show your passport.
And then after all guys go out, i could peep on window all luggage was on the asphalt on the gas station. One by one they arrange it. What the?
And then a police shout again, and the woman on front move out. I think they ask the woman all out one by one too. They search on us one by one. Policewoman do the search.
The police use complete automatic weapons that i could see on movies, and bullet proof jacket and there are dogs... omg what is this??? **as crazy as it sound they all looks good>>this is my stressed out brain talking**
They point one by one the suitcase and ask the owner to open it up. Check every details of it even the sew lines the back of the luggage. I saw Thierry stand next to his backpack and talking to a police. And when every single suitcase was pointed mine still there and no one check it yet.
A police came and see my suitcase tag and ask around people who stood up next to the bus including me, i raise my hand, i guess they ask whos luggage is this. When i get closer then i was thinking.. geezz this one looks like Vin Diesel with French language, and pretty damn killer smile... *should listen when he said mademoissele* ohh ohhh ohhh... hahahha.... and then his friend came a long gezz... this one even nicer.. and they ask me to open my luggage... darn!! hahah i was sitting on my suitcase to close the zip... hahah.. im dead!
I was thinking about the 5 pirates DVD, fake Louis Vuitton wallet, and the worse hahah indonesian food like gado-gado pasta, and one plastic bag of my meds!! omg! hahaha i was smiling and i know i will be in trouble because honestly forgot if i ever read what kind of drugs that allowed to bring in to Paris. Even some cold meds are prohibited in certain country. Uhmm... not wise!
............to be continued......................