Di akhir masa traveling yang fun banget kita sering kali bingung, mikirin oleh2 apa yahh yang paling bagus buat keluarga? Sangking binunnya kadang malah kaga kebeli hehehe... (paraaahhh)
Oleh2 itu cuma tradisi di indonesia, tanda kalau kita sang "pengembara" teteup ingat sama keluarga kita atau temen2 walaupun kita jauhh di sanah. Cuma yah itu kadang sampe bingung sendiri milihnya.Pilihan aku kalau mau beliin oleh2 pastinya merhatiin berat/ukuran dari oleh2 itu.. trus hehe HARGA cetak tebel ya bo! secara ini backpackingan, gila aja kalau lo minta bawain patung godzilla yang beratnya 3 kwintal!!!
At the end of our joyous traveling journe (or perhaps in the middle?) we often kind of being nice and consider to give some "insight" about our journey by giving our loves one something unique from the places where were traveling to.
Good guideline about this gift i think... well.. if you traveling on budget, you should consider about the price and the size/weight of the gift. Being in budget means you could only bring limited stuff on your luggage, since most of budget airlines limit the luggage weight and also the size and weight of bag that you could bring on board. Its sucks.... hehe. So make sure you wont bring any heavy stuff such a bulky godzilla statue!!
Aku suka kagum sama expat yang aku kenal... mereka gak ambil pusing soal oleh2...
Contohnya.... ada yang bawa balsem caplang sampe 4 dus ke negaranya!! buat tetangga, anak, bibi, sama keluarga yang lain... balsem gitu loh!!!
I know for some people unique stuff from places where they go could mean something different than others. Could be key chain, tshirt, snow globe, sticker, fridge magnet, food, or something that as weird as a linggam (hehe read my 2007 traveling adventure in Krabi).
I like the way western did it, they bring some weird stuff.... well weird enough for me, such as rub balm or chilli sauce!! lol..
Ada lagi yang bawa sambel botolan... berhubung di negaranya ada saus sambel tapi gak pedas kek di Indonesia.. jadi alhasil tiap kali ke indonesia dia borong sambel botol sebanyak yang bisa di bawa di tas kopernya! coba mak gue di bawain sambel... hidihh gak kebayang musibah apa yang bakalan terjadi hahahahah! (peace mom!!)
10 years ago
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