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bangkok oh bangkok

Phuket-Bangkok 27 Agustus 2007

Check out hostel jam 12 siang so kita harus ngungsi lagi menuju kota lain...BANGKOK.... Kita rencananya ke Surat Tani dulu naik bis dan lanjut naik kereta mpe Bangkok tapi gw bilang ma fico, kalo gitu kita bakalan capek banget harus angkut segala bawaan yang tiba2 jadi bertambah dengan hebatnya karena bawaan orok wanita yang hobi belanja so gw memutuskan dan dikit maksa fico supaya kita naik bis aja langsung ke Bangkok. Kita ga tau jadwalnya dan front officenya juga ga tau so gambling aja langsung datang ke terminal bis yang dekat banget dari hostel tapi harus bayar 90 baht/tuk2 (pake taksi, supirnya minta di bayar dimuka gara2 mobilnya bensinnya abis (egepe daaah!)). Gw lupa jadwalnya tapi waktu kita datang itu sekitar jam 1 siang so bis yang mo berangkat itu untuk bis tingkat isi 36 (626 baht) jam 4 sore dan untuk bis isi 24 (910 baht) berangkat jam 7 malam (kayaknya ada website tentang bis lokal Thailand de, coba cek aja). So kita naik bis tingkat yang isi 36 tapi kursinya agak sempit buat kaki kita yang cukup panjang, so lumayan pegal aja 13.5 jam perjalanan walo bisnya nyaman banget dan dapet makan gratis juga ada pramugarinya loh!! Oia, ada waktu istirahat 20 menit sekalian buat makan, kalo penggemar makanan halal, tanya aja ma pramugarinya soalnya tersedia makanan halal dan tidak halal. Tempat perhentiannya ini keren banget dan luas, bersih banget ga ada de di Indonesia.

Bangkok 28-31 Agustus 2007

Tiba sekitar jam 5 lewat so kita langsung menuju hostel jalan sukhumvit soi 25 naik taxi dan bayar 200 baht padahal waktu nanya ma pramugarinya kita harus bayar 300 baht, gw dengan sok pedenya aja bilang 200 baht waktu para supir taksi nyerbu, awalnya supaya untuk ngusir mereka aja tapi ada 1 supir yang mau so hajar bleh, soalnya dari peta kelihatannya cukup jauh dari terminal dan benar aja, dengan jalan yang ga macet sama sekali dan terhambat lampu merah 2-3 kali kita nyampe dalam waktu 35 menit di Hi Sukhumvit Hostel.

Badan rasanya pegel banget dan pengen tidur dengan, malah terhambat ma front office yang ngomel karena kita ga booking sebelumnya dan kita datang kepagian. Hostel check in sekitar jam 9 tapi kita datang jam 6 so kalo kita mo masuk juga harus bayar 90 baht. No problem with me...dia tetap aja ngomel, katanya kita ga boleh kayak gitu, harus booking dulu dan dengan pedenya bilang, ’gimana kalo tadinya ga ada kamar buat kita???’. Gw bete aja dengan pria yang agak gemulai itu (gw nyebut dia, banci kaleng!!) so gw ga nyaranin lo nginap di hostel ini, selain itu tempat tidurnya tidak nyaman dan AC hidup hanya dari jam 20.00 s/d 08.00, harganya buat dorm female 8 tempat tidur 290 baht/orang (hostel tertidak nyaman selama perjalanan).

Setelah jalan2 sekitar hostel, menemukan 7 eleven (tempat andalan lain selain McD, KFC!!), makan mie thai (25 baht) dan

di seberang jalan di dekat 7 eleven, kayaknya tempat orang kantoran biasa sarapan, lumayan aceemm dan sarapan gratis dari hostel (cuma ini andalan mereka karena kita sarapan di restoran italy, tempatnya cozy banget tapi hanya tersedia nasi goreng/roti/sup dengan teh/kopi). Tidur dengan rasa kesal yang masih membara sampai jam 1, jam 2 da keluyuran naik BTS (skytrain, kita beli kartu 20xperjalanan so kita bayar flat 20 baht/1x perjalanan dari stasiun mana pun). Petualangan pertama ke MBK (turun stasiun Siam) (katanya orang Indonesia banyak gentayangan disini, bener aja, waktu makan di McD (lagi!!!) ketemu ma ibu-ibu dari bandung J. Disini aja jual baju2 knock off (aspal tapi kualitasnya bagus euy dengan harga 190 baht) tapi ga tiap hari kayaknya soale lusanya kita datang lagi, ga ada.

Kita juga ngunjungi Jim Thomsom, tempat jual sutra asli tapi harganya juga asli MAHAL BANGET, masa scarf doank 500rb. Dilanjutkan ke Suan Lum Night Bazaar (naik MRT, kereta bawah tanah or mereka lebih afdol nyebut Metro, dari stasiun Asok dan turun di stasiun...,mudah kok kalo punya peta J) ada 4 blok yang satu blok ada 6-7 lorong (paannjaang) yang kita iterin cuma 2 blok aja da empot2an ni kaki. Harga lumayan miring d

an ada yang jual bendera kecil, waktu gw beli di Singapore S$2/bendera, disini cuma 20 baht/bendera dengan kualitas yang sama. Ada juga yang jual sutra tapi ga tau asli pa ga tapi dengan 500 baht bisa beli bahan untuk 1 pasang baju. Ada yang jaul baju Thailand juga dengan berbagai ukuran dan lebih murah waktu kita beli di Phuket. Banyak de jualannya mpe bingung karena kebanyakan yang dilihat!!!!

Oia, soal MRT ga perlu beli kartu karena kita akan lebih sering naik BTS tapi kalo mo koleksi kartunya se gpp or mo kembali dalam waktu dekat ga rugi kok. Kartu MRT berlaku sampe 5 tahun (kayak ka-te-pe de!!!!!!!!!!). Lumayan murah banget daripada harus beli lagi (kalau emang niat balik lagi), itung2 investasi bo! Peta juga bisa didapatkan di tiap hostel kita menginap or kalo ada spot ’tourist information’ pasti punya peta gratisan, biasanya petanya dilengkapi dengan nama stasiun dan tempat wisata dan shopping center so ga perlu beli peta sendiri, lumayan menghemat biaya plus bawaan.

Di Bangkok kita melakukan petualangan sendiri tanpa ikut tour, ga perlu kalo kita tau mo kemana aja, ga akan nyasar de, jamin mutu kalo kalian bisa baca peta dan punya peta BTS+MRT.

Besoknya kita mo ’wat day’ artinya ngunjungi banyak kuil mulai dari Wat Arun, Wat Po (Budha tidur), Wat Phra Kaew dan Grand Palace. Enaknya kita naik BTS, kita naik dari stasiun Asok lalu ganti kereta di stasiun Siam lanjut mpe stasiun terakhir Saphan Taksin, lalu naik ferry cuma 13 baht (flat ke semua pier=pelabuhan), ga usah bayar yang 100 baht/hari karena kita ga akan bisa bolak balik naik ferry lebih dari 3x dalam 1 hari soale ngunjungi 1 wat aja da abisin waktu 1-2 jam, keren banget so rasanya ga mo pulang. Kita mulai dari Wat Arun,

lebih keren kalo ngunjungi waktu sore soale dindingnya dilapisi kaca warna warni so bakalan berkilauan, masuk harus bayar 20 baht. Kuilnya tinggi banget dan tangganya curam so hati2!!! Trus lanjut ke Wat Po, disini ada patung budha raksasa yang lagi tidur, katanya dari emas (ga tau de, mungkin dilapisi emas kali!!!), masuk harus bayar 20 baht. Kita mo ke Grand Palace & Phra Kaew (dalam 1 lokasi) tapi waktu itu adalah hari budha so tutup selama 2 jam buat doa. Raja memberi subsidi buat supir tuk2 dan masuk Grand Palace+Wat Phra Kaew+Vimanmek Mansion gratis (seharusnya bayar 250 baht) semua tuk2 hanya bayar 10 baht keliling kota sepanjang hari selama 1 minggu dan ternyata waktu kita datang itu adalah hari terakhir. Kita dibawa keliling menuju budha duduk yang ternyata ga penting dan kita terbujuk rayu untuk beli cincin yang katanya kalo dijual balik harganya 2x lipat (ternyata BOHONG!!!) dan supir tuk2 maksa kita ngunjungi tempat jual perhiasan lain supaya dia dapet bensin gratis dan dia juga BOHONG kalo Grand Palace tutup jam 4 sore (buka jam 8.30 dan tutup jam 15.30). Oia, info aja kalo ketemu orang di tengah jalan dan bilang kalo Grand Palace tutup dan nawari ketempat lain naik tuk2, mereka BOHONG!!!! Lengkaplah rasa kesal dan amarah dengan dibasahi hujan deras, untung gw kemaren pake baju item.

Kami melewati gratisan so kita jalan kaki (dekat banget dari Grand Palace) ke Kao San road, tempat komunitas backpacker berkumpul dan hanya rame menjelang sore aja soale banyak orang jualan dan para backpacker baru muncul kepermukaan. Kayak pasar aja de sepanjang jalan, jalan aja rasanya sulit karena akan bersentuhan dengan para pejalan kaki lain. Oia, dalam perjalanan kita menemukan lapangan/taman gitu yang banyak merpati bebas yang ngumpul kayak di Inggris gitu de, keren de buat foto2 J (di depan Thammasat University (tempat fico’s ex lop steven ngajar ((huakakkakkkakkak) sempat masuk ke kampus poco2 di depan kampus sama membaca peta kampus (nyari kampus fisip tempat steven ngajar) dan ini hasil usul dand desakan gw yang buat fico malu2 tapi mau, halah!!!!!!).

Petualangan wat dilanjutkan besoknya dan memang Grand Palace indah banget, jauh lebih keren dari Wat Chalong yang di Phuket or Wat Arun, lo kudu datang kalo mampir ke Bangkok, walo bayar 250 baht, worth it!!! Bangunannya megah banget dan warnanya sungguh mempesona, ga bisa diceritain liat aja de fotonya. Habis dari ini kita ke Erawan Shrine (patung budha 4 wajah, turun di stasiun Siam), kata fico banyak orang yang berdoa disini terkabul doanya (?), coba aja de!!! Sekalian mampir di Central World (mall) untuk menghilangkan kepenatan seharian karena seharian jalan kaki dan cuaca yang panas banget kita tutup dengan mengunjungi bioskop dan nonton ’The Invasion’ (160 baht). Keren banget bioskop dan pastinya lebih dingin dari 21 diIndonesia. Jumlah teathernya 19, trus bisa milih jenis tempat duduk, oia ada yang VIP arti na duduk di sofa, ada yang bahkan bisa sambil tiduran sambil nonton di hari2 tertentu. Beli pop corn membabi buta (fico doank loh!!! Gw kalo nonton jarang sekali beli popcorn+minum, gw beseran se J) sebab ENAK BANGET !! Apalagi yang rasa karamel (makan popcorn kayak makan nasi huahahahah) anehnya harga popcorn di lantai atas lebih mahal dari pada yang dibawah. Yang dekat dengan counter penjualan tiket. (??). Oia, karcis nonton bisa di beli dengan kartu debit dan kredit card, bisa pesan via telpon dan internet (wooohoo, hebat!!!!)

Oia, disini ada pasar Chatuchak namanya, yang luaaaaaaasss banget tapi hanya buka sabtu-minggu tapi kita harus melewatkan ini karena harus berangkat ke Chiangmai hari sabtunya.

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Last day fun in Bangkok (full of bling2)

Istana Raja (King Palace)

Megaaaahhh nyaaa !

Om yang jaga tempat kediaman keluarga raja...

Emaasss ???

Yesterday is very exhausted day.
But as always we did it with fun !
We went thru the same activity like the other day, went to the Chao Phraya River using MRT and sky train from Shukumvit.
We already know where we should stop at, at 8th pier and then walk outside the pier to the street. And the grand palace is next to the street (theres a small market that you have to get thru).
First thing in the morning we went to the Grand Palace, its where the royal family live.

Sooo amazing. Its very crowded with tourist, you could see lots of different peoples here. This morning we see lots of Chinese or Japanese. But most of them are white people.

Check the details.. amazing bo ! detail kaca tempel sampe segitu kecilnya !

The palace is beutifull, and colorful like any other thai traditional buildings. It's so amazing to think that this people could build such a beautiful palace. Its also well known as one of "must seen" tourist place, so everyone that come to Bangkok should visit this place. Its amazing.

Details on ceilings at the Prince Palace, beautifull.. reminds me of malay tho (because of the red and gold color)

We have to pay 250 baht to get in to the palace and also several place like marble palace and i can't remember 2 other places that included into the ticket.

The temples and palace is shiny gold colour.. the colour that most woman attract.. hehe.. i guess thats why i like this places most.. is sooo ..errhh bling2?? (for what ever that's mean). But in the shining daylight it is BRIGHT GOLDIE COLOUR.

I think the gold colour only paint.. i didn't see any guard there to stop us touching those shiny building. But yes there's several places that you can't just touch the wall.

Sun glass.. yupp.. its gold shine my eyes !

We walk..and walk and walk.. among like thousand tourist there, its georgeus !
Some part of the Grand palace are being restored so we couldn't get in.
Taking pictures is a new adventure here. You will find its hard to take pictures in certain places. Because there's so many people you can't take the long shoot. Its too bad that few of our pictures almost cannot spot two of us, because theres so many people there.

The palace is really big, we could get lost if we don't have a map. And the weather when we went there is so HOT !

So were advise you to bring lots of water if you planning to go there. But near the out gate theres haagen daz ice cream stall (yums !) near the royal family museum.
We also went to the museum and see how the royal family try to reserve the buildings in here. It must cost lots of money for sure !
There's plenty of pictures and well.. the museum quite dark and i think its little bit spooky, but its museum anyway.
But i think its worthy for tourism.

We didn't go to the marble palace because its quite far and we're exhausted. After exhausted to temples and palace.. we went to Siam Paragorn Shopping Mall !!

I think it's just a coincident. Because we're actually planning to go to the "Erawan Shrine". We went to that place and then we see.. woah.. malls.... good. But first thing first.. we have to find the Shrine that said could made a wish come true if we pray there (believe it or not, its all up to you). But i think it's only related with business ofcourse.

So we took pictures at Erawan Shrine from distance (from sky walk) and then went to shopping mall. I think it's un-polite to take pictures of people whos praying there.. mostly chinese. We also made our own wish there (hehehehehh...). We see there's so many people praying around the shrine.. i don't think it's appropiate to take pictures on peoples praying... most of the visitors are chinese.

We goes to Movies and watch the newest Nicole Kidman movie "The invasion". Its really good !

And for the tips.. GET THE CARAMEL POPCORN !!!

For those who love sweet and salty foods.. its good !! i can't get enough of it *burp*... i'm full...

The theaters where we watch the cinema like mega theaters.. consist of 19 theaters.. in Indonesia.. 12 or 15 i think is huge.. but 19 ??!!!!

After went to cinema, it was still like 9 pm, we were on the way back to our hostel.. but we're thinking, how could we just go back and sleeeping ? so we went to another mall.. not for shopping just to window shopping, to see those branded things.

Then we went to MBK (again) i really like the knock off tshirt. Its really good.. you can't really see the difference between a knock off tshirt with the reall one. the shirt is soft and thick and the pictures is good quality.

But when we went there.. the tshirt stall is gone !! there's only souvenirs stall.. ouggghhhh.. we missed those tshirt.. (hikksss)

But .. hahaha.. must be a joke.. 9.30 people were rushing, the shop is closed !!!!

Even Jambi mall closed at this hours.. i thought Bangkok is City of angel, and sisters city with Jakarta ??!!

What a terrible shock... for us (hehehheh..)

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Bangkok and tour to the wat wat (???)

We just got back from "wat tour".. we did it our self. From were we stay (Shukumvit soi 25 "Shukumvit Centre" is the hostel name) we took MRT from Asok to Siam and then change into Silom line at Siam to Saphan Taksin and then go down to lower level to the pier (Central pier/Sathorn Taksin).

We choose the express boat (13 baht/trip) cause its have flat fare, the other one ferry price is 100 baht but you could go as much as you want.

I don't think we could go as much as we want, just several time for today and we go to the 8th pier at Tha Tien.

We have to go across the river to go to Wat Arun Temple and the ferry cost 3 baht.

Wat Arun is AMAZING. Beautifull and so high.

We went to the highest of temple part. My arse and my tight is soooo tight, i am afraid i will look like Maradonna , hehehehe.. or Arnold legs.. hehehe

After Wat arun, we go back to the Tha Tien cost another 3 baht. We want to visit the reclining Budha at Wat Po.

Its alsooo sooo big...

We went there, just go inside without noticing that we should pay for tickets and nobody stop us.. i think its just because we just looks like Thailand girls.
We're planning to go to Wat Prakaew after that but tuk-tuk driver messed it up, and took us to a gems store.
I bought a pearls ring with ruby on it, beautifull... this is my first ring since i work. I should be nicer to my self.. hehehehe....
We missed the Wat Prakaew but we will go there tomorrow since its close so early at 3.30 pm.

We also went to Khaosan Road, woah sooo crowded...
nothing special.. i just bought noodles with egg and two scoup of ice cream. It was fantastic to meet with all of these bakpackers. You could hear them speak with different langauages.. sometimes the languages that i never heard before, well mostly it was from Europe or anywhere in middle east (hard to find here) or Israel.

We go back to hostel at 6.30... tired... exhausted.

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Bangkok City of Pretty boy

The bus fare from Phuket to Bangkok is 626 baht, and its 15 hours journey. Two time stop and each stop is about 15-20 minutes. The stopping place is clean, its where we eat.
We finally arrive to Bangkok, City of angels. Its really similiar to Jakarta i think.
We arrive at 4. 30 am. The lights still on. An there's already so many people on street. Just the same like jakarta.
Maria already ask the bus attendant about the taxi fare or bus fare to Hi-Shukumvit where we're going to stay. Im still sleepy. The bus i quite comfy. At least this time i had some spare space for my legs to move.
I'm still thinking wether its worthy to leave Phuket to go to this city.
I've heard alot before from a friend that staying here, its not much different than Jakarta. I'm just wondering what he like most about this city tho. He teach at a university in Bangkok, but when we went there he went back to USA (too bad !).
After getting information about what will we use to go to the hostel, we finally decide to use taxi due to our huge bags are just too big.
The bus attendant said that the taxi fare will be like around 300 baht. We try to haggling until 100 but the lowest is 200 baht. Its actually accidently happened, because the taxi drivers and tuk-tuk’s is pulling, begging and asking us to go with them, so we short of say the numbers that we want to get rid of them. And it works one by one they were say “no..can’t that’s to cheap, more” and only several stay with us. And then one of them agree for 200 baht ! We got a nice pink taxi with a good price for sure, the distance is quite far from the map that we see. And when we ride the taxi, it took like 35 minute to Shukumvit.

We were dying to get some sleep when we’re arrive at Hi Shukumvit hostel.Its 5.30 in the morning. The first look at the hostel is the hostel is clean and seemed not too crowded, its short of reminds me of an english course place in Jambi.
When we arrive the front desk ask if we already book the room. And he just act like a girl, and keep saying that we were too early to come there (I thought hostels are 24 hours). And he said that we should wait until 9 am. And if still insist to check in we should pay for 90 baht. We said we don’t give a damn, we just want to sleep. We will pay. But still he annoy us and keep saying we should book the room first.
Maria pretty upset, and me neither. Maybe he just ever had bad experience with Indonesian travellers or so.
The room price there is 290 baht for a female dorm. We pay for the first day. And leave our bags at the office, and then we went outside to seven eleven across the street. And right on the street next to seven eleven we saw a Pad Thai stall, there’s several peoples doing their breakfast there. So we decide to give a shot for this Pad Thai for 25 baht.

Its sooooo sour ! euuhhhhh… all of thai people like sour foods, they pur lots of acibut its warm tho.. (read spicy), a good warming up for our tummy.
After that we went back to hostel, and then meet the front office that waving two breakfast coupons for us to eat at next door Italy restaurant.
So we hit next door to eat breakfast for the very second time. It’s a couzy and clean place. The owner is an expat’s couples. I like the woman style that so classy. Good.
We have toast and jam and cup of tea for breakfast. After that the front office finally let us have our bed and we sleep until 1 pm after take a bath.
There’s no air conditioner since the air con only on until 8 am.
We then woke up, have fully recharged again. Ready to hit Bangkok road.

First we went to BTS (Sky Train) to buy a card for 20 times journey and all flat 20 baht to all destination far or close. We went to MBK the “Indonesian” mall . And we did meet with several Indonesian there for shopping. We eat at Mc D’s and meet some Indonesian lady that went there for shopping, they were from Bandung. We buy knowck off tshirt for 190 baht here, the quality is very good that you almost can’t tell the difference with the original one.
After that we decide to go to Jim Thompson for silk. It’s a famous place for a silk place. My mom ask me to brought Thailand original Thai silk. And its wow.. expensive.

After getting my credit card hot, we went to Suam Lum Night Bazaar using sky train (MRT) and underground train or BTS. We bought token coins from the ticket vending machine to get the BTS train. The vending machine is on each station entry door. Just put your coins as much as requested, and you could use paper money too. We did this because we don't think we will use BTS as much as MRT. Because BTS have limited destination only.

Yupp.. we stop at Lumphini station, and from the exit of the station.. you could see Suam lum night bazaar lamp right infront of your way...

Its an amazing place to shop. Every woman must love this place. Its ultra cheap, and its also so big. We spent the whole afternoon and night there that I almost can’t feel my toe because we walk so much. I bought another 4 meter silk for my mom, and it cost me 500 baht (amazingly cheaper than Jim Thompson offcourse). This is a very good place to buy something for your family because you could find everything in here.

Thailand tshirt also much cheaper in here. I bought several and Maria too. We bought lots of things in here that we must hold our self not to spent all of our money. Oh i did an air brush tatoo on my right upper hand. Its a fairy tatoo... cool, but its kind of itchy at first when they did it. No, i don't want reall permanent tatoo...thanks. heheh..
We went back to hostel at 9.30 at night. Exhausted but so much fun.
And finally we meet with our room mate. She’s a Canadian engineers. Oh world so small that you meet lots of travelling engineers. We talk about work and laugh about it. Its so fun to share stories about working places where its say as man world. Cute.
We went sleeping happy with our shopping bags all over the place.

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phuket.. buh bye !

Last day in phuket, we only have couple hours to stay here.
We decide to go to Wat Chalong, the biggest temple here in Phuket. We see the tample on the way to Kata/Karon Beach, its beautiful !
After went to Wat Chalong we must rush back to catch our bus to Bangkok..
We back to our hostel at 11 am. We must repack our things.
At night actually we've been talking again about the way we go to Bangkok. Actually i really want to go by train. My plan is we go by mini bus to Surathani and then from Surathani to Bangkok we go by train.
But Maria have a very good consideration.. our luggage. We can't really move from one to other transportation very easy because of it. I think that was made sense, she's right.. but i am sooo disappointed because can't travel with train.. i think its more relax. I had bad issue with bus, i am talking about the seat.
Our room mates Patrisio and Maeve planning to go to the beaches with scooter.. aaawww.. i am really sad because of this.. i want to go with them because it must be fun to go with more people, especially with them.. its from our experience when we went to the night bazaar with these people. Nikki and her boyfriend coming too.
But had bus to catch anyway... we say good bye, took pictures and go with taxi.
We had two option with the bus, 64 seater or just 24 seater... We choose 64 seater. Its a double decker bus.
The seat is not comfy at all !! it might comfy for those who have height less that 150 cms, but not me !
The seat is trapping me down !
The bus stop twice. First bus stop, its a small restaurant, we stop at 5.30 pm. We didn't eat there, Maria seemed so sleepy. We take sleeping pils so we don't really feel trired when we got to Bangkok. And also we're afraid to get headache.
The second bus stop was amazing place. The place is so huge and all double decker bus seemed stop there. We only had only like 20 minutes to eat !! its so different with Indonesia buses.
I had trouble because the bus attendant (yes they have a buss attendant just like a flight!) speak in Thai language. She didn't explain anything in English. So wen they ask us to sit in the prepared table, i just sit.. but i got all suspicious because they serve this soup, with "white meat".. and i ask.. yes thats pork.. all the food is made from pork !! i only grin to Maria and step back from the table.
I can't find the bus attendant. But then i see.. this guy wearing Arabic man head cover, we called it syal. I ask him "im a Moslem, and i want to eat" and he ask to made sure im Moslem, and then he ask me to choose food from different stall. Ooooohh yess ! thank you !!
The lesson from all my travelling is.. never afraid to ask.. you're aforeigner, no one will blame you necause you had any idea what was happening !! After rushing eating and while Maria take few picts .. we're late !! everyone seemed eat so fast that we're the last passenger get into the bus ! oooohhh... right !
We're sleeping until we get to Bangkok at 5 am.

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fotooooooooo di phuket!!!!!!!!!

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kenangan indah di Phuket!!!!!!!!

Krabi-Phuket 24 Agustus 2007
Hari pertama kita ikut tour 4 pulau, lalu besoknya keliling kota dan lusanya ke pulau Phi2 dan langsung menuju Phuket naik bis minta dianterin ma jemputan tour ke terminal bis sekitar jam 4 sore. Ada kejadian lucu buat dikenang sodara2 ”backpack nya Ms. Fico, talinya sobek....huaaahhh karena kebanyakan bawaan kale J”. Naik bis kita hanya bayar 115 baht sedang kalo naik travel 350 baht tapi langsung dianter ke hostel (jadwal cuma 2x sehari yaitu jam 8.00 dan 10.30). Bisnya lumayan, kayak perjalanan Jakarta-Bandung gitu de. Perjalanan 2 jam cukup buat kita tertidur sesaat,melupakan kebingungan kita cara ke hostel dari terminal. Tapi Tuhan itu memang baik, disaat kita nanya alamat ma seorang gadis yang lagi berdiri dipinggir jalan, dia malah menawarkan mengantar dengan mobil pacarnya, TERIMA KASIH TUHAN!!! Gw nyebut dia ’Phuket Night Angel’.

Phuket 24-27 Agustus 2007
Kita nginap di Phuket Backpacker Hostel (, tempat yang nyaman banget. Kita nginap di dorm buat ber-4, harga 180/malam/orang, kebetulan kita nginap ma cowok argentina, Patricio dan cewek ,Maeve. Di hostel juga di sediain ruangan buat hang out dilengkapi Tv Plasma dan dvd player dengan koleksi film yang lumayan juga banyak novel. Oia, ada dapur dan kulkas yang bisa dipakai bareng2. Malam itu kita hanya mampu untuk istirahat, capek banget bo’ seharian ikut tour. Besoknya kita jalan2 kota, kotanya lebih kecil dan lebih padat dari Krabi so kita bisa keliling kota dengan jalan kaki. Muter2 kota kita menemukan departemen store dan McD...hahaha...kebetulan laper, kita ga dapet sarapan gratis dari hostel. Oia, fico beli backpack baru yang penampakannya luar biasa, gede banget dan gw salut dia bisa ngangkat tu beban, SELAMAT!!! Jalan2 kota enak juga dan walo nyasar bisa balik sendiri kalo ngikuti peta soale disini setiap sudut jalan ada nama jalannya dan ditulis dengan huruf thai dan latin so..... Kebetulan waktu kita disini lagi ada pasar malam (hanya buka sabtu-minggu), ga jauh juga dari hostel hanya sekitar 10 menit naik tuk2 so sebenarnya bisa bayar <>J (semua supir tuk2 kudu digituin kalo ga mereka ngelunjak!!) or cari teman lain yang mo pergi bareng, 1 tuk2 muat 6-7 orang. Dipasar malam banyak jualan dari baju mpe underware dan banyak jual pernak pernik dan harga standar, ga mahal dan ga murah juga so kalo ga beli juga ga rugi kok. Yang paling menggiurkan adalah yang jual dim sum, halal, enak dan murah. 10 baht tiap tusuk yang kalo makan 2 tusuk aja kenyang so jangan lewatkan hal ini kalo ke Phuket saat weekend. Seperti Krabi, disini juga ada 3 pantai yang terkenal, dimulai dari yang paling besar, Patong beach, Kata beach dan Karon beach. Ke pantai ini bisa dengan nyewa motor or naik bis umum, kebetulan ngetem didepan hostel so hanya bayar 25 baht kalo ke kata/karon beach dan 20 baht ke patong beach, nyampe dengan selamat. Oia, kalo mo naik motor ati2 aja soale jalannya mendaki dan banyak tikungan yang dasyat. Kemaren lagi ombak so kita dilarang berenang dan cuma bisa berjemur dan jalan2 dipantai dan pastinya foto2 J. Oia, di Patong beach kita juga bisa ikutan parasailing (600baht hanya 3 menit trus ga boleh maen sendiri, harus dikawal ma mamang penjaga yang ikut bergantungan) dan maen speed boat (700 baht hanya 10 menit) so males aja ngeluarin duit hanya maen sesingkat itu. Juga banyak toko yang buka sepanjang pantai dan tentunya harganya lebih mahal. Ada kejadian yang membuat gregetan, abis lunch kita mo berjemur setelah 2 jam akhirnya ’mateng’ lah kulitku yang putih itu J dan kita rencana mo balik ke hostel, tiba2 ada 2 cowok yang nyapa dan fico bilang mereka da duduk dibelakang kita dari awal. Gw jadi males aja, kelihatan banget mereka cemen, masa harus nunggu 2 jam untuk nyapa so gw tinggal aja walo sebenarnya fico pengen nyapa balik J. Dalam 1 minggu kita da bermain di 11 pantai so gw rada bosan aja, walo gw suka pantai tapi ga segitunya kale. Kita ke Wat Chalong pada hari terakhir, kuil terbagus di Phuket dan bener banget, dengan warna gabungan emas, merah, hijau dan biru menghasilkan warna yang luar biasa kalo kena sinar matahari. Ga bayar kalo masuk ke kuil ini tapi inget aja, kalo mo jalan2 ketemple harus pakaian rapi. Tapi orang setempat bilang boleh pake celana pendek tapi ga boleh pake tank top (kok rasanya aneh ya!!!). dari hostel kita naik bis umum yang mo ke kata/karon beach, ntar kelihatan de menara kuilnya yang tinggi banget so ga akan kelewat de or pesan aja ke supirnya turunin di wat chalong tapi untuk balik ke kota agak sulit, emang se bisa naik bis yang sama dengan arah balik tapi lama nunggunya tapi kemarin tiba2 muncul ojek ntah dari mana (?) dan kita bayar 100 baht.

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pasar malam phuket....

dasar mang bawaan orok tempat baru ya....bukan nyasar se tapi dipeta kita liat ada night bazaar ternyata kita da jalan setengah jam itu klab malam...tidakkkkkk!!!!!!

balik arah mo ke phuket shopping center da jalan jauh trus pake nanya ma bapak2 lokal yang ga ngerti english cuma ngerti kita cari jalan waktu nunjukin peta ternyata gak buka karena sabtu-minggu ada pasar malam...tidakkkkkkkkk!!!!!

ada bapak2 lagi yang sok ok waktu kita tanya jalan ternyata dia supir tuk2, sejenis angkot tapi private yang nawarin kepasar malam, daripada bengong di hostel ikut aja bayar 100baht (mahal juga se).dsini mang pasar banegt so segala harus nawar walo mereka da nulis harga masih bisa ditawar kok.tapi gw da bosan belanja so gw cuma buat tato. eit, tenang dulu cuma temporary kok dan kebodohan gw lagi waktu balik hostel, ganti baju gw ga inget ma tato yang masih basah so jadinya belepotan, musah2an gambarnya masih jelas :(.oia, kebodohan yang lain kita pulang dah jam setengah 11 so ga ada yang namanya tuk2 or ojek so kita jalan setengah jam baru lewat ojek yang ternyata tinggal jalan sekitar 15 menit lagi nyampe hostel tapi mang da capek banget se, ga papa lah!!

besok ceritanya mo ke patong beach...doain bisa bangun pagi ya.SEMANGAT!!!!!!

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Special Phuket

Last night we just can't do anything else than get shower and just had some sleep, wake up at 7 am, still we can't stay at bed more than that (working habits).
We were starve to death that we went downstairs nexdoor to beloved 7 eleven and grab some juice and bread for breakfast.
Its very couzy at Phuket Backpacker hostel. We eat our breakfast infront of computer, browsing, since its free charge and no limitation (amazing !).
There's several other people there, i went to the kitchen and see there's more rooms at back of the hostel, theres also a small garden. Its the private rooms. We could use the kitcheen for free too. Theres a friedge where we could put our foods, with a note that we should give the foods names and our bed numbers on the wrapper.
Theres plenty of books and movies we could see there, but we should rent it/ pay from the front desk for each movies. Its a good collections !
Our room mates is still sleeping when we went back to our room at 2nd floor. Its lucky that we had the room near the porch, so we cound hang dry our wet towels and cloth. Yes, we did try to wash our own cloth, because no way we could buy anything like cloth since i broke my backpack.
And since we still feel little bit tired we decide to do some city tour by our self. I need to get new back pack too.
So we march to the market at 9 am. Theres less shop opened. We went to a souvenir shop, but the price is amazingly high, and i think its not worthed tho. So we walk again to the "Surin Circle" and went to one of the boutiq near it. Also, were not very satisfy with the cloth that they were selling. So we walk again and look for ramayana.
On the way to ramayana we get in lots of small shops that sold everything, like tshirt, and more souvenirs. Im looking for a tiny shirt for my niece.
At lunch time we eat at Mc Donalds that we accidently find when were looking for a traditional market that appearantly closed. And next to the Mc D, not far from the corner theres a shoe shop that also sell lots of backpack.
So after bargaining, begging, arguing, i finally got 90ltr back pack (80+10) with price 1600baht. The price is reasonable because the bag is big and seemed very strong, had iron as back support, and its comfy. The brand is Alpine Lowe. I never heard the brand before.

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jalan2 di phuket town, small city so u can walk around

depan Baan Iyara, Krabi

me-fico and my Phuket Night Angel :). Thank you!
cerita selanjutnya ntar aja ya........

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Phi2 tour & Morning Phuket ! (Day 1 Phuket)

Woah... last night was incredible journey. From Krabi to Phuket by bus. It took us 2 hours ride from Krabi to Phuket and the bus ticket only 115 baht.
Our other option is by shuttle bus but the price is twice more expensive 350 baht. We choose public transport.. its a journey full of adventure.. so.. adventure here we go ! going with economic class bus !
We finished our Phi2 tour at 3.30 pm (AMAZING!!!!). I do lots of snorkeling, and swimming. Lots of fun for sure.
We also went to Maya beach, also a place where "The Beach" were made.. but it's waaayyyyy to crowded. We just sit or play with the wave, its too crowded to swim i guess. The more we sit and watch the more boats coming with lots of people. But the beach was so amazing. With white soft sand. The water color are gradient green and blue.. also grey..on the back ground there's high crag. This island is a national conservation so, theres no one live here. Still green with trees and bushes. I didn't do trekking on the island, even i wish i could and had time.
All we do is sit on the white soft sand, enjoying the sun, and check out CUTE guys with brown yummy six pack (sorry no flubby tummy that attract us !). I think this is the time when i could say i enjoy my self for being a single grown up hehehehehhe.. i could flirt any time i want. There's so many tourist from different countries either. Some lookslike japanese/chinese and most white peoples, wether from Europe or Australia or Uk and USA. All you need is just listen to their accent and you know where they come from.
I went swimming for a while, Maria just sat on beach watching. But i went to shore very quick because there's more boats and people coming, i'm just afraid one of those boat crash me !
We also went to the monkey beach, phi2 don and phi2 ley.
I do snorkeling in all of this island. Georgeus is the word. We also stop on the middle of the sea, have something with "Shark" on the name i just forgot the name... it is very deep (for me) like 15-20 meters. But is soooo crystal clear ! you could see more fishes and more colors down there. The deeper you go the cooler the water temp. But i don't think it was a big deal if you could see what i have see down there. I just can't describe it by words. The coral reefs just like fish apartment.. i think "NEMO" movie is right.. i even could spot bigger fish like ray fish.. not very big.. but to see them.. oh.. Lord.. i am so lucky.
You have to try this !
If you think there's more color up here than down there.. you are wrong !
They attract me with different way. Beside colorfull they also shiny i think.. its just like it have its own light. The blue is different, the green too.. red is magic.. purple ? cute !

We finally finished the tour with an amazing round of speed boat near the beach at 3 pm.

We were so exhausted but we gotta run for the bus to Phuket,. So we just change our swim suit with clean t-shirt and went to the bus station with the car from the tour. The bus station is so small. Its not really far from the beach. We have to go back to Krabi Town again to get there. We were lucky again, the latest bus is about to leave to Phuket.
It was 2 hour trip, and we were slept. So tired. We didn't really take pictures during the trip, its not an executive or v.i.p bus so people come and go inside the bus offering foods and drinks and many more, we don't think it's really safe to take cameras inside-out our backpack. Better be safe than sorry as my grandmother say.

We arrive at 8 pm. And when we went outside the bus terminal, we saw a girl standing near the road and we ask for direction.

Instead giving us direction, she offer us to go with her with her boyfriend car !!! yippie !
So we go by blue Toyota Yaris, with our backpack. They keep saying the Thai airlines is already closed.. and we finally explain.. that we were not going to the thai airlines office but to the backpacker hostel in front of the thai airways office. I'm the first looking the light neon said "Phuket Backpacker Hostel". And we take picture with the girl, and checking in.
Happy night. We choose dorm, and share with two other "strangers". But its the back packing way ofcourse. The room price is dirt cheap, only 118 baht per person per night. They had shared bath room, and its VERY CLEAN. And the hostel it self very cozy with public kitchen and very huge tv and lots of dvd's collection ! Internet are free ! so i could write this blog and send mails !
What a great deal !
After hit the hot shower, we went to sleep. This time we share a room with couple from Argentine and Ireland. They were nice...

The hostel is really neat and clean ! the front office is nice, she smile every time she talk. When we get there seemed the room is mostly booked so the hostel is full of travelers. We went to seven eleven down stair to get some mineral waters because the hostels didn't provide water just like in Krabi. And seemed the breakfast also not included. But if you want to get breakfast you could order it, and its also.. with reasonable price ofcourse.
Internet is free !!!! yippieee ! we could use internet as much as we want and the speed is absolutely fine !
Phuket Backpacker Hostel is absolutely nice place to stay and i will recommend this hostel to my friends !
I want to get my breakfast now.. ciao !!

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